Ages 7-11 (Upper Primary) Courses

Upper Primary courses

Wolsey Hall’s Upper Primary homeschooling courses for ages 7-11 have been prepared by our qualified and experienced Primary Tutors.  They are designed to cover Years 3 – 6 of the English National Curriculum (Key Stages 2). They’re open to children of all abilities in all parts of the world, and they provide a strong foundation for later learningEach “Year” is planned over 9 months, the equivalent of “an academic year”.

The courses are a partnership between youyour child and the Wolsey Hall Oxford team. You will work with your child using easy-to-follow lesson plans prepared by our Primary Level Tutors. And you’ll have the help and support of that same team with whom you and your child will be in contact on a regular basis. Your child will regularly complete and submit assignments to their tutor.  These will be marked and feedback provided.  You may wish to video call the tutor following this assignment.

We write progress reports at the end of weeks 12, 24 and 36 (or at the end of each part) for all subjects.

Most important of all, we’ve designed the courses to reflect our key learning philosophy: that learning should be enjoyed.

homeschooling open event

Homeschooling Open Event – All Levels

Join us on Wednesday 24th July 2024 at 10am (UK time) to find out how homeschooling works with Wolsey Hall Oxford.

Our live presentation covers how our courses work for students aged 4-18 and the extensive learning support we offer to students. There is also a question and answer session for parents at the end.

Speaking and Listening in the English Language

The benefits of studying Speaking and Listening in the English LanguageOur Speaking and Listening in the English Language course consists of one-to-one lessons with a Wolsey Hall Tutor. All our

Upper Primary English

Our Upper Primary English homeschooling course will help your child develop the skills and knowledge that will enable them to communicate effectively and creatively through spoken and written language.

Upper Primary Maths

Mathematics equips children with the ability to reason logically, to solve problems and to think in abstract ways. It is integral to nearly all aspects of life. With this in mind we have developed our Upper Primary Maths homeschooling course to help children develop a positive and enthusiastic attitude towards mathematics that will stay with them.

Upper Primary Science

Our Upper Primary Science homeschooling course encourages children to ask scientific questions and begin to appreciate the way in which science will affect the future on a personal, national, and global level. They will learn to ask and answer scientific questions, plan and carry out scientific investigations/ experiments, and learn how to use equipment correctly.

Primary English as a Second Language (E2L)

Developing skills in a second languageThis Primary English as a Second Language (E2L) course is for students who have not previously been formally taught in English or who have limited English

Upper Primary Computing

Building on the principles of information and computation, your child will be equipped to use information technology to create programs, systems and a range of content. Computing ensures that children become digitally literate. They will be able to use, and express themselves and develop their ideas through, information and communication technology.

Upper Primary History

History will fire your child’s curiosity about the past in Britain and the wider world. It plays an essential part in preparing children for living and working in today’s world. Throughout the course they will research, sift through evidence, and argue for their point of view – all skills that are valued in adult life.

Upper Primary Geography

Our Primary Geography homeschooling course aims to inspire your child with a curiosity and fascination about the world and its people that will remain with them for the rest of their lives.

Level 1, 2, 3 or 4 French

Primary Level French is a fun, interactive course, which will allow your child to not only learn a new language, but also to learn about the French culture. Most will begin on Level 1 in order to ensure that they become confident, well rounded linguists. But if your child can already speak and understand some French, they may start with Level 2 or 3.

Upper Primary Skills for Life

Our Upper Primary Skills for Life homeschooling course will help your child develop the qualities they need to be healthy, happy and active participants in society. They will develop their emotional agility so they better understand, accept and can work through difficult emotions.

Level 1, 2, 3 or 4 Music

Primary Level Music is a fun and innovative course, allowing our students to not only learn about the world of music, but also to learn an instrument and read notation. Everyone will start at the beginning to ensure that they become confident, well rounded musicians, with the confidence to sight read music independently. If the student can already read music and plays another instrument then there is the possibility to start with Level 2.

Upper Primary Art

This course will lead pupils step by step through a rich art and design programme covering a wide diversity of art elements, skills and cultural influences. It will help pupils develop their own creative style, encourage them to learn and experiment with new techniques and to construct and develop imaginative ideas in the form of a sketchpad.

Primary Phonics

Our Primary Phonics course follows a systematic approach to teaching children synthetic phonics. It teaches children to hear, identify and use different sounds that distinguish one word from another in the English language.

Meet Andrew (year 4) and Mum Vera as they talk about homeschooling

Thank you so much for your help this year. We have been very happy with the progress Roxanne has made. She has really grown in confidence. It's hard to believe that when Roxanne started the course she had never written more than a paragraph in her own language, let alone English. Although the creative writing was a struggle to begin with she really took to this aspect of the course, encouraged by her Tutor's comments. The time travelling allowed her to become an avid reader which helped her imagination blossom. We hope Roxanne will continue to write her stories.
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Theresa McGrath – Primary Homeschooling Parent


Ava has been developing discipline and self-taught information enquiring skills throughout the months doing home school, which she never had in school. We came to realize that it is actually a good bonding opportunity to help her adjust to the studying method in the beginning. We are pleased to see her studying and preparing assignment without being asked of even in her free time. We find confidence and independence in her. Credits go to yourself and the tutors who have been helping her. I hope her interest in acquiring knowledge and the skills that she developed for herself will become her lifelong asset.
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Vincent Yu – Primary Level Parent


I'm most impressed that Lily can now start to read and write thanks to Wolsey Hall college. I think she is now well ahead of her class mates. We live in South East Asia and my daughter is 5.5 yrs old. Her school was closed during the China Virus lockdown for several months. We have nearly finished Part 1 - 12 week lessons in English and Maths. English is not my daughters 'mothers tongue' as such; and before starting the course she could not read any words and could only write basic words. At week 12 I'm very impressed with her as she can now read and write so well. Nearly every lesson there's a lot of practice with 'blending' words for reading and 'splitting' sounds for spelling. It really works and she enjoys it as well. The Maths lessons are also good with many different teaching techniques. All resources can be downloaded and thus the guided teaching is easy to follow. Highly recommend this homeschooling college.
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Tim D – Primary Homeschooling Parent


We are from South Africa where Nic went to a Afrikaans nursery school, and moved to France where he started in a French school, but after a year we decided to begin English tuition at Wolsey Hall, completing Year 3 and term 1 and 2 of Year 4. We then relocated to the UK and he was assessed by the school we chose and was on par with the other children his age. He did extremely well in Year 4 with various distinctions. From year 5 the pupils are evaluated on a different level and Nic achieved academic colours at the end of Year 5! We are so proud of him and wish to thank Wolsey Hall for all that they have given us. Without Wolsey as a foundation to build Nic’s learning and academic curriculum from, this would not have been possible for Nic. We are truly blessed that we were able to affiliate with Wolsey to invest in our son’s future!

Susan Van Der Merwe – Primary Level Parent

South Africa

Thank you so much for the End of Year Reports. What lovely reports! The girls were so happy to read their tutors’ comments and I am very proud of them. It has been a pleasure working with all of you and I wish you success and prosperity in the next and all the academic years ahead. It looks like the future of learning is heading in the direction of online learning and you are a brilliant school that will continue to thrive and lead in this domain. As I mentioned before, I have recommended you to many of my friends, and we look forward to working with you again sometime in the future.
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Racha – Primary Homeschooling Parent
