Primary course information

Information to help you decide

The Primary years of education are critical to the success of your child in later years, ensuring they have a solid educational foundation on which to build: it sets the stage for a lifetime of learning and growth.

During their Primary Education with Wolsey Hall your child will develop essential skills such as reading, writing, problem solving and communication. Our Primary courses will also introduce them to the basics of math and science –  as well as developing their social skills and self-confidence.

Research has shown that the early years of a child’s education are critical in giving them the foundation for future success –  both in terms of their future academic attainment and their life chances.

So it’s vital that your child has the very best start to their educational journey.

We hope this page will give you all the additional information you need as you select your Primary Level subjects.

homeschooling open event

Homeschooling Open Event – All Levels

Join us on Wednesday 24th July 2024 at 10am (UK time) to find out how homeschooling works with Wolsey Hall Oxford.

Our live presentation covers how our courses work for students aged 4-18 and the extensive learning support we offer to students. There is also a question and answer session for parents at the end.

Meet some Wolsey Hall Oxford Primary students

Meet Andrew and Vera who are primary homeschooling

Andrew in the Czech Republic

primary homeschooling in Switzerland

Nicolas and Salome in Switzerland

Meet Primary homeschooler Jude in Texas

Jude in Texas

Abdullah Primary homeschooler in Singapore

Abdullah in Singapore

Our Primary Level courses include

  • A range of textbooks and downloadable resources providing the knowledge and understanding for each subject.
  • Access to Canvas, our learning management system, with stimulating online and offline resources.
  • Access to further online learning resources to support your child’s learning.
  • Assignments to complete at regular intervals throughout the course.
  • Fast and helpful feedback from our Tutors (3 – 5 working days).
  • Student Progress Manager who will monitor your child’s progress and who is available for advice and help.
  • Online safety videos for Lower and Upper Primary students to watch with their parents.

Hours of study

See the table below for the approximate time per week for our Primary Level courses.

**Please note this time could be longer or shorter depending on your child’s ability, their previous experience and the support they receive at home.

Hours of study (per week)

Getting Ready for Year 1
Year 1 & 2
Year 3 – 6
4 hours
5 hours
6 hours
4 hours
5 hours
6 hours
2 hours
2.5 hours
2 hours
2 hours
2 hours
1.5 hours including practice time
1.5 hours including practice time
1 hour
1.5 hours
2 hours
2 hours including practice time
2 hours including practice time
Skills for life
2 hours
2 hours

UK school Years 1-6 (Ages 5-10)

  • Children at UK schools study English, Maths, Science, Computing, Geography, History, Art, Music, Foreign Language and Physical Education.
  • Children may enrol at Wolsey Hall for any number or combination of subjects.
  • Subjects offered by Wolsey Hall are English, French, Maths, Science, Computing, Geography, History, Art, Music, French, Mindfulness and Physical Exercise.
  • Wolsey Hall Primary courses require between 1 – 7 hours of study per week, depending on the subject and the year of study. Additional time may be needed for assignment preparation.
  • Read more about our fees.
role of a primary homeschooling parent

During these early stages of homeschooling our parents (or adult guardian) play a significant supporting role in the education of our young learners.

I’m really happy for them and so glad we found Wolsey Hall… This is the best school we have found… especially online. The books are amazing, simple and very informative for kids to understand easily… the course is flexible…thanks to everyone! Especially in this pandemic situation… seeing the kids study without any hassle and also doing so well is amazing and peaceful.
Indian flag

Mrs Arv – Homeschooling Parent
