Ages 11-14 (Lower Secondary) Courses

Lower Secondary courses

Wolsey Hall has designed its Lower Secondary homeschooling courses for ages 11-14 (Years 7, 8 and 9 in the UK) so that each “Year” takes 9 months, the equivalent of “an academic year”. We believe this suits the capabilities of most young people being homeschooled. It also enables them to start studying for their IGCSEs a little earlier than the norm. At Lower Secondary, all children are expected to study three core subjects: Mathematics, English and Science. In addition, children should also choose to study a range of other subjects that they enjoy in order to experience a broad and balanced curriculum.

If you plan to apply but are uncertain as to the most suitable level at which your child should begin, we offer Pre-tests for each level in English and Maths. Year 7 Science assumes no prior knowledge, but there are Science Pre-tests for Years 8 and 9.

We provide progress reports for all subjects at the end of Year 9 and for English, Maths and Science also at the end of Years 7 and 8 on request.

Find out more about choosing your Lower Secondary subjects and why studying Lower Secondary subjects is important.

Our handy guide will explain more about the transition from Primary to Lower Secondary.


Rise in homeschooling in the UK

All Levels Homeschooling Open Event

Join us on Wednesday 29th May 2024 at 10am (UK time) to find out how homeschooling works with Wolsey Hall Oxford.

Our live presentation covers how our courses work for students aged 4-18 and the extensive learning support we offer to students and their families. There is also a question and answer session for parents at the end.

Lower Secondary Art and Design

The Lower Secondary Art and Design course will enable learners to explore the limitless possibilities that exist both in art and in their own creativity. They will experiment with new techniques and media through video tutorials and be guided towards developing a personal style and approach.

Lower Secondary Computing

Almost all parts of our lives are affected by computer programs. On this Computing course students can begin to learn the advanced skills needed to make computers work for them.

Lower Secondary Digital Literacy – currently Year 7 and Year 8 only

Our Secondary Year 7 Digital Literacy homeschooling course covers the Cambridge Lower Secondary Digital Literacy Curriculum Framework.

Lower Secondary English

By studying our Secondary English homeschooling course (English National Curriculum Key Stage 3), your child will develop the skills in speaking, listening, reading and writing that they will need for study at IGCSE and beyond. Your child will learn to express themselves creatively and imaginatively and to communicate with others confidently and effectively.

Lower Secondary English as a Second Language

Developing Skills in a Second Language The subject is for children who have not previously been taught in English and whose English is at a basic level.

Lower Secondary French

Studying our Secondary French Homeschooling course (English National Curriculum Key Stage 3) is an ideal preparation for IGCSE French studies. Communicating in French will help your child get to know the French people and the French culture. Learning another language, such as French, will open your child’s mind to new ideas and new ways of looking at the world.

Lower Secondary Geography

The study of our Secondary Geography homeschooling course (English National curriculum Key Stage 3) helps young people make sense of a complex and dynamically changing world. It builds on your child’s own experiences to enable them to investigate places at all scales, from the personal to the global.

Lower Secondary German

Communicating in German will help your child get to know the German people and the German culture. Learning another language, such as German, will open your child’s mind to new ideas and new ways of looking at the world.

Lower Secondary Global Perspectives

Our new Global Perspectives course is a skills-based course which will enable your child to develop skills of research, analysis, evaluation, reflection, collaboration and communication. There is particular focus on developing the ability to think critically through captivating and exciting global topics such as the environment, education, cultural identity and human rights.

Lower Secondary History

Our Secondary History homeschooling course will help students develop a chronological overview and to make connections within and across different periods and societies. History fires children’s curiosity and imagination, moving and inspiring them with the dilemmas, choices and beliefs of people in the past. It helps them develop their own identities through an understanding of history at personal, local, national and international levels.

Lower Secondary International History

Our new Secondary International History course invites students to roam both the centuries and the globe! This is a course for those ambitious for discovery and exploration, who want their history to cross borders, and who are excited by cultural and religious variety.

Lower Secondary Latin & The Roman World

The Romans (and the Greeks before them) have fascinated people of all ages for centuries. How did their ideas manage to influence so many subsequent cultures? Why has their literature had such an impact on almost every western culture that has appeared since (and as far east as Afghanistan)? Why has their brand of politics been so influential? Studying the Latin and the Roman World course from Wolsey Hall will allow you to find out the answers to these questions and more!

Lower Secondary Maths

Our Secondary Maths homeschooling course will help your child get the key building blocks for Maths in place. Mathematics equips your child with uniquely powerful ways to describe, analyse and change the world. It can stimulate moments of pleasure and satisfaction when they solve a problem for the first time, discover a more elegant solution, or notice hidden connections. Students with a solid understanding of maths are able to think independently in applied and abstract ways, and can reason, solve problems and assess risk.

Lower Secondary Music

Our much-anticipated Lower Secondary Music course will be available from September. This course will help your child develop an understanding of different genres of Music (waltz, samba, raga, classical, baroque, rock and pop), as well as learn about Music from different cultures and films. Your child will also have opportunities to create Music individually, as well as deepen their knowledge of Music Theory.

Lower Secondary Science

Our Secondary Science homeschooling course will fire your child’s curiosity about phenomena in the world around them and offer them opportunities to find explanations. It will engage them at many levels, linking direct practical experience with scientific ideas. Experimentation and modelling are used to develop and evaluate explanations, encouraging critical and creative thought.

Lower Secondary Skills for Life

Our Skills for Life course aims to help your child develop the necessary knowledge, skills and attributes for life and work in the future. The course covers a range of engaging themes that will spark discussion and, in turn, help your child develop effective communication, analytical and reflective skills: ‘How can we work well with others?’ ‘How can we deal with change?’ ‘How can we lead a healthy lifestyle?’.

Lower Secondary Spanish

Our Secondary Spanish homeschooling course (English National Curriculum Key Stage 3) is an ideal preparation for IGCSE Spanish studies. Over 450 million people speak Spanish worldwide, with some 21 countries having Spanish as their official language. So, you can see how important it is. Studying this course will help your child to get to know Spanish speaking countries, and to understand their peoples and their culture. Learning Spanish will open your child’s mind to new ideas and new ways of looking at the world. It will greatly expand their possibilities for travel and future work abroad.

Gemma Langley talks about her role as a Tutor

This course has made me enjoy History in a way that I would never have thought possible, since I am usually more interested in subjects like Maths and Physics. But the exercises chosen for the assignments really allowed me to think about various issues (like the nuclear bombs dropped in Japan), and encouraged me to analyse them, and form a confident opinion about them. My Tutor’s feedback has been amazing, and I can really see an improvement from my first assignment, and my latest ones. But most importantly, I enjoyed every single thing I learned and wrote about. I did not come close to having such an experience with History while I was in school.

Cezara Cornea – Secondary Student


Thanking you and your team for your dedication in educating my children. I have seen such an improvement and they are all so confident now with their books and assignments.
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Cindy Stockil, Homeschooling Parent


Lucy is really enjoying the Year 9 courses, they really suit her and she’s learning how to use the material and tutor feedback to best advantage. It’s great timing that she’s having this year to get used to this new way of working before starting the IGCSE courses (never mind the fortuitous timing regarding the global pandemic!). So much better than “ordinary school“, much bigger focus on learning and less on testing. I hated all the testing to give the school data for Ofsted and league tables, not in the children’s best interests at all! All she ever got was a score, no chance to learn from her mistakes which is all part of the assignment process at Wolsey Hall. We’ll definitely be signing up for IGCSE’s with Wolsey Hall.
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Catherine Merryweather -Secondary Homeschooling Parent


I compared several homeschooling providers and decided on Wolsey Hall Oxford because I felt confident about the help and care my daughter Aeshya would receive. The support we receive is excellent, and the Tutors are very patient. I would recommend Wolsey Hall to parents who care, not only about grades, but about the study experience as a whole. Students receive the respect they deserve and they get the encouragement to move forward despite sometimes having difficulties.
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Dr Rose Haque, Secondary Homeschooling Parent


I appreciate the fact that the needs of my childrens’ learning experience are a priority at Wolsey Hall. The course materials are well designed; staff are committed to homeschooling and my children can study at a pace which suits them.
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Veronica Williams – Secondary Homeschooling Parent
