Homeschooling in Romania

Homeschooling for ages 4-18

An increasing number of families are turning to homeschooling in Romania as an alternative to public school.

High profile homeschooling families include Romanian actor Dragos Bucur and his wife, singer Dana Nalbaru, who in 2016 took the decision to withdraw their daughter from traditional school in order to homeschool her.

Current estimates indicate around 500 children are presently homeschooling in Romania with this number rising year on year.

Twin sisters Alice and Beatrice studied for their IGCSEs and achieved all A* and one A in Chemistry, Biology, English as a Second Language and Maths. Read about their experience of homeschooling in Romania.

Wolsey Hall Oxford is a registered school of Cambridge Assessment International Education

Wolsey Hall Oxford is a registered online Cambridge International School.

Wolsey Hall Oxford is a Pearson Edexcel approved centre

Contact our team now to find out more about homeschooling in Romania.

Equivalent qualifications

Wolsey Hall equivalent course
Certificat de Absolvire a Ciclului Inferior al Liceului (Junior High School Graduation Certificate); Diplomă/Certificat de Absolvire a Invăţământului Obligatoriu de 10 ani (Compulsory Education Graduation Diploma/Certificate (Grade 10)); Diplomă/Certificat de Absolvire a Şcolii Profesionale (Vocational Secondary Education Graduation Diploma/Certificate).
Certificat de Absolvire a Liceului (High School Graduation Certificate) – Considered between GCSE and AS Level
AS level
Diplomă de Bacalaureat (Baccalaureate Diploma)
A level

Elite tennis player Stefania is homeschooling in Romania

Exam Strategies

Exam dates in Romania

Your child can start their course at any time of the year. Romania has three possible examination sittings during the year in March, May/ June or October/ November.

This provides even greater flexibility to our students homeschooling in Romania and allows exams to fit in with the University admission dates for Romanian Universities.

How the UK education system works

Siminia is homeschooling in Romania

Homeschooling and the law

Romanian law does not presently recognise homeschooling as a legal alternative for education. However, according to Didgi 24 news channel, the Education Minister had confirmed in 2016 that they would be ‘looking into the legal framework that regulates the system’

The Homeschooling Association of Romania was founded in 2002 and they have been actively pushing to make homeschooling in Romania legal. A number of Romanian homeschooling groups and websites dedicated to homeschooling are now also present online.

Homeschooling schools

Currently homeschooling families register themselves to school officials as Private Schools.

Another alternative for parents considering homeschooling in Romania is to enrol their children in a study centre.

A level student homeschooling in Romania
Dragos homeschooling in Romania

Meet 14-year-old Dragos

14-year-old Dragos has been homeschooling in Romania and studying MathsScience and English with Wolsey Hall. His mum Daciana explains how it’s working for them:

“Homeschooling is the best decision we made, it’s the perfect system for Dragos. He is very efficient studying alone and spends about three hours a day doing this at his own pace. He’s very relaxed as he can wake up at the best time for him and then choose when to study.”

Free time to pursue other interests

“Dragos has a lot of free time to participate in other interests like Music School where he spends about 12 hours a week. He’s very good at playing the guitar.”

“He also attends a science centre where he is preparing for international conferences and competitions led by a very passionate professor. He enjoys other activities like programming, gaming, building robots etc and we are always looking for new places and people to fulfil his curiosity.”

This course has made me enjoy History in a way that I would never have thought possible, since I am usually more interested in subjects like Maths and Physics. But the exercises chosen for the assignments really allowed me to think about various issues (like the nuclear bombs dropped in Japan), and encouraged me to analyse them, and form a confident opinion about them. My Tutor’s feedback has been amazing, and I can really see an improvement from my first assignment, and my latest ones. But most importantly, I enjoyed every single thing I learned and wrote about. I did not come close to having such an experience with History while I was in school.

Cezara Cornea – Secondary Student


Our courses

Secondary homeschoooling courses

Lower Secondary