Course Fee Guide Calculator

Calculating our fees

Our mission at Wolsey Hall is to provide a high-quality online education at an affordable price to families everywhere. We know the sacrifices that parents often make to ensure a quality education for their children, and we strive to keep our prices as low as we can, while providing a world class educational experience.

How to use our Course Fee Guide Calculator

To find out the standard cost of the courses you would like your child to study, please use our Course Fee Guide Calculator below. If you have more than one child, you will need to work out the fees for each child individually. 

Step 1: Select the course phase your child will be studying at.
Step 2: Select the subjects your child will be studying.
Step 3: Select whether you will be paying in full or by instalments. 

Please note:

The Course Fee Guide Calculator does not apply sibling discounts or include any book shipping costs which may apply but simply provides a guide to the course fees you can expect to pay. 

An accurate calculation of the total costs of your child’s learning provision will be provided in a full fee quote by our Admissions team. This fee quote will include a list of the course books which are included in the fees and the shipping cost of the books (if outside the UK), as well as any applicable sibling discount.  

Primary, Lower Secondary and AS Level or Year 2 A Level fees are for one year of study.   

IGCSE and A level fees are for the full course and are valid for up to two years. Your course expires after two years or when your exam sitting takes place (whichever comes first). 

Looking to add courses across different phases e.g. Lower Primary and Upper Primary?

Our Course Fee Guide Calculator will calculate the courses across a single phase only. If you would like to add courses across more than one phase, please view our pricing PDFs in the relevant fee pages for the corresponding bundle pricing.

Course Fee Guide Calculator

Select student level

Select courses

Payment Information

Fees for the selected courses

Please select above

Registration fee:

Initial amount:

Monthly amount:


Please note: Our Course Fee Guide Calculator calculates the courses across a single academic phase only. If you would like to add courses across more than one phase, e.g. Lower and Upper Primary, please view our pricing PDFs in the relevant fee pages for the corresponding bundle pricing.