Primary homeschooling courses

Courses for children aged 4-11

Wolsey Hall’s Primary homeschooling courses have been prepared for children aged 4-11. They’re open to children of all abilities in all parts of the world, and they provide a strong foundation for later learningEach “Year” is planned over 9 months, the equivalent of “an academic year”. Our Primary courses are parent led.

For our youngest students aged 4-7 we offer a range of Lower Primary courses. These students will require a high level of parental support. We also offer Upper Primary courses for children aged 7-11. As children progress through the Upper Primary years their level of independence with studying will begin to increase.

Our Primary homeschooling courses provide the perfect foundation for students to move up to our Lower Secondary courses. Our handy guide explains more about this transition.

Our Primary students have their own dedicated Primary Community website where they can join a variety of clubs and enter competitions.

homeschooling open event

Homeschooling Open Event – All Levels

Join us on Wednesday 24th July 2024 at 10am (UK time) to find out how homeschooling works with Wolsey Hall Oxford.

Our live presentation covers how our courses work for students aged 4-18 and the extensive learning support we offer to students. There is also a question and answer session for parents at the end.

Our Primary homeschooling courses

Upper primary homeschooling fees

Supporting your child