Career Advisory Service

Personalised advice

The Career Advisory Service is designed to help both UK and international students who wish to get highly individualised career guidance.  

You may be considering completing a course of higher education, doing an apprenticeship, or moving directly into employment upon finishing your Wolsey Hall courses. 

Many homeschoolers welcome advice on a variety of questions as they consider career options: 

  • Which subjects should I take at IGCSE and A Level? 
  • What extracurricular activities should I be considering? 
  • Do I need to have work experience? 
  • How can I find out about different career paths? 
  • What careers have good prospects for the future? 
  • Where do I look for apprenticeship options? 
  • How do I apply for jobs? 
  • How do I create a CV? 
  • How can I prepare effectively for a job interview? 

Our Career Advisory Service will guide you every step of the way from academic course choices, career selection, and application/CV/interview planning and preparation. 

Please note that the Career Advisory Service is only available to students enrolled with Wolsey Hall, or as part of our ongoing admissions process. 

We are proud of our homeschooling students and their IGCSE and A level exam results.

YouScience Career Aptitude account

Our Career Explore PLUS and Career All-Inclusive PLUS advisory service packages shown below include a YouScience Career Aptitude account.

YouScience is a career exploration platform for secondary-age students. YouScience matches students to a suggested career based on the student’s APTITUDES (natural talents), and is not just based on their interests. YouScience will therefore suggest careers that student’s may not previously have thought about but which are likely to be suited to their unique talents.

The YouScience account will direct students to complete 11 “brain games” which measure natural aptitudes, work approach and interests. The brain games take 90 minutes to complete but can be done over several sessions. After all 11 brain games are completed, the results will be ready to view in the student’s YouScience account.

Students can access their YouScience accounts for ten years, meaning the results can be used for years afterwards when making future career or education choices.

Our career advisory services

Careers explore service

1 hour

Career Planning

A 1 hour strategy consultation designed for students who might be exploring alternative pathways after completing their IGCSE/A levels courses; this could include: employment, internships, apprenticeships, a gap year or further online learning. Students will have the opportunity to discuss research tools, how to approach the application process, CV design and interview preparation. Available to students currently completing their IGCSE, AS or A Level programme.

Career explore plus service

1 hour

Career Explore PLUS

A 1 hour strategy consultation designed for students who might be exploring alternative pathways after completing their IGCSE/A levels courses; this could include: employment, internships, apprenticeships, a gap year or further online learning. Students will have the opportunity to discuss research tools, how to approach the application process, CV design and interview preparation. Available to students currently completing their IGCSE, AS or A Level programme. Includes the You Science Career Aptitude Assessment.

As a first time home-schooled student, Wolsey Hall Oxford has proved very successful and helped me to obtain the results I wanted. Not only does Wolsey offer a very well structured and focussed course but also has very insightful, informative and supportive tutors who are willing to go that extra mile to reply and explain each and every query. Through Wolsey Hall I managed to come out with completely ‘A’ grades in each AS level I took and I owe it to my Tutors for being there and helping me through it all; I couldn’t have done it without them (especially Carol – Geography Tutor, who always went the extra step to make things easier for me). I have now got into University! If you want results – look no further. Thanks Wolsey Hall!
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Brittany – A level Student


This course has made me enjoy History in a way that I would never have thought possible, since I am usually more interested in subjects like Maths and Physics. But the exercises chosen for the assignments really allowed me to think about various issues (like the nuclear bombs dropped in Japan), and encouraged me to analyse them, and form a confident opinion about them. My Tutor’s feedback has been amazing, and I can really see an improvement from my first assignment, and my latest ones. But most importantly, I enjoyed every single thing I learned and wrote about. I did not come close to having such an experience with History while I was in school.

Cezara Cornea – Secondary Student


Wolsey Hall provided me exactly with what I needed at the time – a flexible, accessible way to study for my IGCSEs. Their Tutors are excellent and were quick to provide thorough and constructive feedback on my assignments, as well as supplying me with important advice and resources on exam technique, ensuring that I was as prepared as possible. I am very pleased with my IGCSE grades – four of which are A*s, then an A and a B. They allowed me to go on to study A Levels, which I would not be doing right now had I not found Wolsey Hall. I highly recommend them to anyone looking for a flexible way to study and is perhaps unable to attend a public or private school, or simply wants to ensure a quality learning experience, and is capable of mostly self-motivated learning with the aid of Tutor feedback and online resources.
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David Fomin, IGCSE Student


I would recommend Wolsey Hall Oxford to anyone considering homeschooling. Each course has plenty of resources on canvas and the course books are very informative. Any questions or help that we needed (preparing and arranging exams etc) have always been dealt with by the friendly tutors and student progress manager. My daughter achieved excellent IGCSE results and is now taking an A Level course.
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Donna Hogan – IGCSE Parent