Elite Athlete Student Stories

Homeschooling in Botswana

Homeschooler in Saudi Arabia

Fourteen-year-old Ayaan is a homeschooler in Bahrain studying IGCSEs with Wolsey Hall Oxford whilst pursuing a go-karting career.

Studying online in Ireland

Seventeen-year-old Dechlan is an elite athlete studying online in Ireland with Wolsey Hall Oxford while he competes in tetrathlon.

Homeschooling karate champions

Brother and sister Radu and Isabela are now in their third year studying with Wolsey Hall Oxford. Homeschooling and their karate commitments go hand in hand, allowing them to train intensively and represent Romania in European and World Karate Championships.

Homeschool in Thailand

Wolsey Hall Secondary student Makam has been homeschooling for two years. He made the switch to homeschool in Thailand to focus on his surfing.

Swimmer Jack Brown

Homeschooling elite golfer

Chloe Tarbard, a homeschooling elite golfer, is homeschooled through Wolsey Hall Oxford. At the age of 14 she is already a champion golfer!

Homeschooling elite tennis player

Twelve-year-old tennis player Meher is in her second year of homeschooling in India with Wolsey Hall Oxford. Meher is currently ranked 64 out of 800 in the Under 14s age category for tennis.

Homeschooling Fencer

Fourteen-year-old Pedro trains and competes successfully in fencing competitions worldwide. Here he explains why learning with Wolsey Hall is a great fit for him as he studies for his IGCSEs.

Homeschooling Swimmer

Dylan Arzoni, a homeschooling swimmer, is an inspirational example of how Wolsey Hall students can utilise the flexibility of homeschooling to successfully pursue their passions. Dylan studied for his IGCSEs with Wolsey Hall while managing a hectic swimming training schedule. He and his family moved from the UK to the USA in order to allow Dylan to train with the North Baltimore Aquatics Club’s High Performance squad. The squad has produced a number of Olympic swimmers including Michael Phelps.

Tarun has been doing Year 7 and 8 English, Maths and Science with Wolsey Hall. He is enjoying his courses and loves the flexibility the whole homeschooling program brings. He is able to plan his learning at his own pace, and plan his day well to accommodate his other interests of playing the Violin and Piano, reading and playing games. The online material in terms of textbooks, videos, the course plan and support from his tutors is helping him get past his studies with ease. During the peak Covid times when amazon deliveries were stopped the online virtual library of Wolsey was a boon to him as he loves to read.
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Deepali Patel, Secondary Parent


I must say enrolling Nicole at Wolsey Hall has been one of the best decisions we ever made. At school, Nicole's progress remained extremely limited due to lack of support with her learning difficulties. Since being at Wolsey, Nicole's English has come on leaps and bounds, from her spelling, to grammar, to organisation and formats of essays. The amount of time and support Nicole's tutors, Pat and Michelle have invested in Nicole has been fantastic. Nicole's academic knowledge and confidence has soared since being at Wolsey and I am extremely grateful to you all. (Nicole has segmatic pragmatic disorder high functioning autism, as well as suspected dyslexia).
Union Jack flag

Michelle Rudge – IGCSE Parent


I have just finished consulting with Michelle about Truman and his studies. She is really an amazing asset to your organization, her ability to understand children really blew me away. She has recommended several methods for us to ensure that Truman enjoys and succeeds in his education through Wolsey Hall. We’re really excited to get started.

Rebecca Atkins – Homeschooling Three Children
