Famous Homeschoolers
Famous homeschoolers is a topic close to our heart. Nelson Mandela was one of our past students who studied for his Law degree whilst in Robben Island Jail. This got us thinking about how many other famous homeschoolers there might be. The answer is a lot and there are many famous homeschoolers from across the world who have achieved great things.
Homeschooling Myths
Homeschooling figures continue to rise but ask any homeschooling family and they’ll tell you about the many homeschooling myths surrounding their educational choices.
Volunteering in Mauritius
South African student, Reine, is age 12 and studying Year 7 Key Stage 3 (Secondary Level) with Wolsey Hall Oxford whilst homeschooling in Mauritius.
Homeschooling College Principal
Our Homeschooling College Principal, Lee Wilcock offers some very wise words about perspective, laughter, and overcoming self-doubt… “Believe in yourself and your own abilities: we are all capable of much more than we think we are.”
Travelling Homeschoolers
One of the things we value at Wolsey Hall Oxford is flexibility. Our students come from all over the world, and are able to study in a way that suits their situation, schedule, and goals – even if they’re travelling homeschoolers and constantly on the move, like the Springett family.
Dyslexia Support
Home education can be particularly effective for dyslexic learners - especially if paired with a distance learning provider, who can offer caring dyslexia support and experienced Tutors